Friday, 5 June 2009

The Effects of Light

From Colour Contrast Continuity

Carly has asked us for a rainbow this week. Please follow the link to join in and view other entries.

The rainbow, thought by some to proclaim the promise that the earth would never again suffer a ‘Great Flood’ and others to show the effect of light passing between the two elements air and water.
I show the effect of light passing between the two elements of water and oil. There is no promise made here by humans to care for the world that gives them life.

'Killer Colours' From Colour Contrast Continuity

'No Pot of Gold' From Colour Contrast Continuity

Our ignorance spreads a mask of death over the water.
Our arrogance carries a debt that our intelligence will have to pay in the future or we shall be the perpetrators of a greater destruction to life on Earth than has yet naturally occurred.

'Plain Polltion' From Colour Contrast Continuity

There is no beauty here except in seeing the colours that light holds while dancing with death over the water.

'Death Mask'(Photoshop enhanced)From Colour Contrast Continuity

I pray the death mask is removed and the light once again plays such music with the water that we will all hear the promise the future holds.

'Like the Swan in the Evening moves over the lake' From Visual Counterpoint


  1. Even though those may be rainbow colors it is indeed sad that people have to pollute our beautiful waters and harm the creatures who use those waters as survival.

  2. Very powerful. Thank you.

  3. i am so impressed with your photographs, as well as the statements made beneath each one. what are we going to have left to leave to our children and our children's chldren???


  4. Regina,
    I hope we will leave the admission of our ignorance so that every generation will recognise it in themselves.
    Only then will mankind be able to take the step beyond knowledge toward wisdom.
